Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The best collection of quotes and sayings for every situation in life. Visit - https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.com for beautiful quotes about Life, Love, Relationships, Happiness and more. Quotes in this Video 1. IMMATURE people always want to win ARGUMENTS even @ the cost of a RELATIONSHIP. MATURE ones prefer losing an ARGUMENT just to uphold a GOLDEN RELATIONSHIP. Read more: https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... 2. FRIENDS - FIGHT for you. RESPECT you. INCLUDE you. ENCOURAGE you. NEED you. DESERVE you. STAND by you. Read more: https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... 3. You were given this LIFE because you are STRONG enough to live it. Read more: https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... 4. GOD has perfect plan for us. He never does it all at once, just step by step because he wants to teach us to "WALK BY FAITH" not by sight. Read more: https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... 5. Yesterday I was clever, So I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself ~Rumi Read more: https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... For More Quotes visit below links Quotes about Life - https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... Quotes about Relationships - https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... Quotes about Love - https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... Quotes about Friendship - https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... Quotes about Famous People - https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c... Follow us on Social Media - https://shareinspirequotes.blogspot.c...